INDEX To Kindergarten Songs Including
Singing Games and Folk Songs

Online catalogue of Kintergarten songs.

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viii                         Index to Kindergarten Songs
Hitte, H. M. Kindergarten songs and descriptive melodies.
Perry, cl909. 50c. ! Hofer, M. R. Children's singing games: old and new. Flanagan,
cl901. pa. 50c. Hofer, M. R. Music for the child world. Summy, 1900. v. 1.
$1.25 net, v. 2. $1.50 net. . # Hornby, J. Joyous book of singing games. Macmillan, 1914. $1.00.
Hubbard, C. B., comp. Merry songs and games. Flanagan, cl887.
$2. Hurd, E. H. Play time songs. Bradley, cl906. 50c. Jenks, H. S. and Rust, M., comps. and eds. Song echoes from
child land. Ditson, $2.00. Kastman, V. and Koehler, G. Swedish song games. Ginn, cl913.
70c net. Knowlton, F. S. Nature songs for children. Bradley, 1910. $1.00.
Martin, G. E. Sundav songs for little children. Presbyterian Bd,
1899. 50c. net. Meissner, W. O. Art song cycles. Silver, cl910. Pt. 1. $.60. Montz, C. Instrumental musical sketches. Bradley, 1912. $1.00.
; Neal, M. ed. Esperance Morris book, pt, 1 and 2. Curwen, cl912.
5/ea. n. Neidlinger, W. H. Earth, sky and air in song. Am. Bk. cl900.
2bks. Bk. 1. 70c net, Bk. 2. 80c net.^ Neidlinger, W. H. Small songs for small singers. Schirmer, cl896.
$.50. Newell, W. W. Games and songs of American children. Harper,
1903. $1.50. Osgood, M. C. Rounds, carols and songs. Ditson, cl894. $1.50;
paper $1.00. Plays and songs for kindergarten and family. Presser, cl874. 50c.
i Poulsson, E. Finger plays; with music. Lothrop, [cl893] $1.25.
I Poulsson, E. Holiday songs and every day songs and games.
Bradley, 1910. $2.00. I Poulsson, E. and Smith, E. Songs of a little child's day. Bradley, 1912. $1.00. Pratt, W. S. ed. St. Nicholas songs. Century Co., 1885. $2.00
bds. $1.25. Reed, C. S. Timely games and songs. Hammett, 1900. 60c.
Reinecke, C. Fifty children's songs. Schirmer, n. d. $1.00. cl901. Riley, A. C. D.; and Gavnor, J. L. Lilts and lyrics. Summy Co.,
1907. $1. Rogers, M. Kindergarten marches. Scranton, cl907. 60c. net
price 53c. Sheehan. On a spring morning in the kindergarten. Anderson,
cl910. 75c. Smeltzer, J. R. Sense games; with Peter Piper and his friends.
Talbot, cl909. $1.00.